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NS2 Apparel

The biggest silver-lining of quarantine was starting an ice-dye clothing company with my incredible sister, Nisha. All proceeds went to COVID relief, ASTEP, BLM efforts, and Gray Matter.



Excited to take this next step (wearing many hats and coats) on the Angelica Tour! I see so much growth, love, and light within from this next endeavor. Let’s GO!

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Signed, Sealed, and Delivering

There isn’t another team that I want as the extension of myself than Stewart Talent. I’m stoked for this partnership and excited to see what we cook up. To hard-work, timing, and opportunity.

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Spent the end of summer in the Finger Lakes doing Working: The Musical at The REV Theatre Co. Sang some additional Lin-Manuel Miranda tunes and made some lasting friendships.

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Honored to be in this room. We Won’t Sleep is the next big thing in my opinion. Watch out — Ari Afsar, Lauren Gunderson, and Erin Ortman are a dream team and are working on a piece of magic.

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Breathe, Look, Snap

Working with Abbey Lynn Models and carving out a new interest in the industry — modeling for commercial and print!

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Graduated from NSHS

Oh…dang. What do I even say? Saying goodbye to this family was so hard. Thank you to everyone involved — so many great memories and lasting friendships.

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Thrilling 2 years

These were the years that I grew exponentially as a human and artist. From the Lab to D.C. to Broadway, Mean Girls: The Musical checked every box and added a few more to my Broadway-debut experience: SNL, Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the Tony Awards to name a few!

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On the Road

With my new agents at Clear Talent Group, I jump started my career doing national tours such as A Christmas Story: The Musical and Junie B. Jones and regional shows such as The Secret Garden at The Arden Theatre Co. in Philly!

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NYU State of Mind

Oh college! I came to you off the waitlist, so wonderfully naïve and so willing to learn everything. Outside of my 4 year Vocal Performance program at Steinhardt (BM), I joined the a cappella group: The NYU N’Harmonics! I also spent many hours in Bobst (library), practice rooms, and inside the fountain of Wash-y Square Park! Thank you for letting me literally, spiritually, and figuratively find my voice.

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Where It All Started…

I owe all of my start to one man, Timothy Estberg. He was my high school advisor at New Trier High School and luckily the assistant choir director at my school. After finding out about my heart disease, Timothy guided me towards music. My first ever performance was in the ensemble of Thoroughly Modern Millie my junior year and then Jean Valjean in Les Miserables my senior year. Thank you for introducing me to singing and theatre — R.I.P. Mr. Estberg.

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Before Acting

I was truly just a brown boy trying to fit in. Sports, Kumon (if you know, you know), LEGOs, piano recitals, and annoying my big sister. I would dance alone in my basement to N’SYNC and watch Bollywood movies with my family — to be honest, that aesthetic is still at the core of me. Growing up I wanted to be a cowboy, a pilot, a surgeon, etc…didn’t know then, but now I can just pretend and act all of those things!